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Youth Classes

Youth-only classes are offered October through March.  Please join the Washington County 4-H Dog Program April through September!

4-H Agility

Jumps and Table and Tunnels, Oh My!

Get started in Agility!  This class (JTTOM) introduces you to the "flatwork" obstacles and all kinds of handling skills.  Beginner Obedience/Middle School required to start or call for a readiness evaluation.  Dogs must be 1 year or older.

Up and Over and Through!

This next Agility Class introduces the A-Frame, Dog Walk, Teeter, and Weave Poles.  Besides teaching your dog how to perform the obstacle, you will apply skills you learned in the Jumps & Tunnels class to enter and exit the obstacles safely.   By the end of this class, students will be ready to show in 4-H Elementary and Jumpers 1b Agility classes.  Jumps and Table and Tunnels, Oh My!  is a prerequisite.

Youth Agility
Kids Dog Agility

Agility Sequencing Level 1

Let's put it all together and play Agility!  During this class we will begin sequencing and continue to practice all the skills we learned in the two foundation classes.  Once your dog is jumping at full height you will be ready to show at CPE Level 1 or 4-H Intermediate or Jumpers 2.

Obedience/Rally Level 1

This class will get you started in Obedience and Rally!  We will build on all your existing skills in order to prepare for 4-H showing in Foundation through Advanced Beginnners or AKC Beginner Novice.  Beginner Obedience/Middle School required to start.


Juniors Obedience and Rally Level 2

This class is designed for students who have trained to either the 4-H Advanced Beginners or AKC Beginner Novice levels.  We will continue to develop off-leash heeling skills and begin some advanced Rally and Obedience skills.


"I just finished up the JTTOM class with Marnie! I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to try agility with their dog!"


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